Yatton Park
5 km
Beautiful park love to take my dog there walk the loop and meet other dogs
Good to go for shorter walk if you're not up to going all around Waikareao Estuary. Did all around and walkway beside motorway hot and noisy. The bush parts are shaded and more interesting. Most of McCardles is boardwalk or easy smooth pathway so anyone can do it.
Boardwakway makes it different & beutiful. Very good for running, cycling & walk.
This bush has the Waikareao Estuary walkway / cycleway going through it. What a lovely variety of tracks and scenery. Boardwalk and gravel paths through lovely bushes like this, past small parks, open mangrove swamp, etc.
Excellent wide board walk for strolling, running & cycling through the estuaries. Plenty of wild life to get up close & personal with though I wouldn't risk dipping a toe! If want some close ups of Pukekoes then these birds are pretty tame. Great information boards and, of course, fantastic views of the estuary & beyond
The Waikareao Boardwalk lies on the fringe of Tauranga CBD. People of all ages and fitness abilities will enjoy this scenic walk around the estuary.