Giant 2W Gravity Enduro
1215 Fenton St, Rotorua 3010
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Rotorua International Stadium
Devon Street West, Rotorua 3015
07 349 5141
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3D Rotorua Multisport Festival
Lake Tikitapu, Rotorua
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The Pioneer
Queenstown (Nouvelle-Zélande)
+64 9 601 9590
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Tarawera Ultramarathon
Longmile Road, Rotorua 3010
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We Run The Forest -Winter Running Festival
Long Mile Road, Rotorua 3010
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Whaka100 MTB marathon
waipa state mill road, Rotorua 3010
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Event Promotions
PO Box 324, Rotorua 3040
07 348 3301
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New Zealand Masters Fours
Rotorua 3015
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Rotorua Half Marathon
Lakefront Drive, Rotorua
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Mud Warrior
1 Waipa State Mill Rd, Rotorua
(07) 348 4295
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Tussock Traverse
41 Simmonds Cres, Rotorua 3015
+64 7 347 1272
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Rotorua Singlespeed Society Inc
Pig and Whistle, 1182 Tutanekai Street, Rotorua 3010
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Rotorua Marathon
Queens Drive, Rotorua 3010
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Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km
2 Pukehangi Road, Rotorua 3015
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Whaiora Spirited Women - All Women's Adventure Race
30 Lewis Rd, Rotorua 3010
027 6487546
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Rotorua Ekiden
Village Green, Rotorua
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Rotorua Sports Event Map, Satellite View of List