Incredible school with caring and professional teachers, and a great community. Extremely attentive to children with additional needs and behavioural issues.
Would not recommend if your child has any Dyslexic tendencies or the like as the school is not great at making accomodations and ignore all advice from trained assessor’s via an official report. We’ve had a handful of fab teachers whilst at the school but the rest weren’t great. One year my daughter learnt nothing as her teacher spent all day texting on her phone. One teacher who only started this year is thankfully leaving at the end of the year but should not be teaching - very unprofessional calling children liars and what’s wrong with you comments yelled at at children when they make a mistake.nnMinus those two teachers, my issue is not with the teaching staff in general however, the fact remains the school has been through numerous staff and principals over the 6 years we’ve been there and it makes you ponder what’s wrong. Leadership starts at the top and it’s seriously lacking on many fronts.nnIf your child happens to be bullied, don’t expect the school to address any concerns you may have. The school board is inept - there is ‘no bullying at Hampton Hill School’ - fact is there is bullying at every school - they just don’t want to address it. It’s a very nothing to see here approach and swept under the rug every time. If another parent threatens your child and police are involved, don’t expect any safety plan for at least a week.nnDon’t expect your child to be recognised if they show the schools values and work hard - all the points go to the ‘naughty’ kids and there’s plenty of those at this school. Max they deserve is 2 stars but they get 1 because there aren’t many positives. The office lady Sue has always been helpful.nnShop around; refer other reviews on here about the lack of support for bullying. There are plenty of other good schools in Tawa but this is not one of them.
Absolutely fabulous school. Warm, friendly teachers who are passionate about what they do and are highly motivated to do the best for the children. This school really embraces whanau and firmly believes in the village approach to support children. I can't recommend the school highly enoughn.
Totally disappointed! The teacher Year 1 always makes up something and tells lies! Ridiculous!nTotally unacceptable! Mrs. Q, respect your job as a teacher! NO MORE LIES PLEASE! WHAT A SHAME!
As an Ex-student of this school, the teachers did nothing aboutmy anxity and the bullys in the school. I know have bad anxity beacuse of this event. do not come here.