Bagman has been operating in New Zealand for over 23 years. We sell luxury leather and quality non-leather handbags, wallets, man bags and travel bags.
We come to you in your workplace - no trudging around crowded retail stores or waiting for internet purchases to turn up - only to find they are not what you imagined!
Take your bags on the day and pay them off over 2 months!
Call or email and confirm a date. Book a space at your offices - a meeting room or the cafeteria works well. Arrange some parking for us and meet us on the day.
None of this costs you anything - in fact we pay you!! We will give your Social Club or Social Responsibility Partner a donation of 7.5% of our Nett profit from the booking.
Bagman has a history of supporting Starship Hospital if you would prefer us to donate to them on your behalf.
Mairi Archer
[email protected]
027 58000 65
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