This page is a positive space to share anything "Waitangi" and surrounds. Please post anything about community notices, Marae hui's, events, meetings etc.
Please don't:
- Post comments that could be considered prejudicial, racist, off-topic, inflammatory, repetitive, vexatious, offensive or otherwise inappropriate
- Swear. We want everyone to be comfortable visiting the notice board to get information we provide
- Harass or make personal attacks against other users. Please be respectful of others and their views or opinions
- Reveal any personal or sensitive information about others on this page
- Re-post other people's requests or offers, or anything else that could be considered spam
- Report any offensive material on Facebook to this page, or post a link to it. Complaints about offensive material should be made directly to Facebook
Any comment deemed to fit under these definitions will be subject to deletion. Users found to be repeatedly engaging in the above activities will be banned from this page
Advertising terms:
- Local businesses that service the Waitangi area are welcome to post once a week, however bumping is not permitted as we encourage fresh content
- Pyramid selling is not permitted. Any "join me in selling xyz..." or "I need 3 people to join me selling..." are not permitted on the page
Any use outside these terms will have posts deleted without notice. Repeated misuse will result in the user being removed from the community notice board
Admins of this page are volunteers and are giving their time to help create a notice board that will hopefully be a useful tool for our community. Admins in no way are responsible or liable for any transactions, communications, incorrect information or other such use of the site - please exercise due care when posting personal information, as you would anywhere else online.
to add Waitangi Notice Board map to your website;