We are Northland's newest Yoga and Pilates Studio. Our services will be combined with M3 Clinic to form a dynamite combination.
We are Northland's Yoga and Pilates Studio. We are going to be teamed up with M3 Clinic to offer a full range of rehabilitation, strengthening and Yoga Practices together under one roof. We will have a range of yoga styles to suit your needs from Power Yoga to restorative Yin Yoga classes and everything in-between. Coupled with this, Pilates will be offered to help develop core strength and lengthening of muscles and tissues. We will be able to link Western Medical experience with Eastern Yoga Principles to offer a combination not yet seen together in Northland.
"W I L L K O M M E N I M L O F T - S T U D I O S - 4F O T O S T U D I O - F I L M S T U D I O - E V E N T S T U D I OWIR FREUEN UNS MIT DIR, EINZIGARTIGE PROJEKTE IN UNSEREN MIETSTUDIOS ZU REALISIEREN.Zwischen Frankfurt und Wiesbaden in Hattersheim am Main begrüßt Dich das LOFT STUDIOS 4 -Mitten im Industriegebiet erwartet Dich ein einmaliges Tageslicht Mietstudio mit individuellem Loft-Charakter in einem ehemaligen 70er-Jahre Industriegebäude.Aufgeteilt in verschiedene Bereiche trifft Modernes auf Altes und Industrie auf Design.Im LOFT STUDIOS 4 kannst Du unterschiedlichsten Projekte, wie Film- Videoproduktion, Fotoshootings oder PR-Events- & Seminar realisieren."to add The Loft Studio map to your website;