We are focused on providing you with technical, physical, tactical and mental skills to gain maximum benefit to you and your game.
Private Lessons
Go ‘one to one’ with Gilles de Gouy,
Head Coach, from $60 p/h
Or our Assistant Coaches Justin Phillips
and Lucien Lemay, from $50 p/h
Term 4 special get 6 hours for the
price of 5 hours
Adult Group Lessons
Game Upgrade (aka Rusty Rackets)
One hour of technical instruction, tennis
games and fun, from $14 p/h
Tennis Fit (aka Cardio Tennis)
Tennis, fitness and fun. Technical, Physical,
Drill and Games, from $14 p/h
Package Price
Game Upgrade & Tennis Fit
DO BOTH! Start by improving your game
followed by the fitness aspect of this
fabulous game, from $25 p/h
FREE trial for 1st session
Childrens Coaching Programme
NOTE: Junior Membership includes
$199.50 of Coaching (19 weeks during
the Summer Terms 4 & 1)
We are running a unique concept coaching
programme. New to New Zealand, this
extremely successful coaching provides a
powerful learning environment, and it’s fun
too! We provide 4 different children’s
coaching programmes:
Teeny Tiny Tennis (5 to 6.5 years)
45 minutes of motor skills, body balance,
agility and games, from $12
Mini Tennis (6.5 to 8 years old)
45 minutes, hand to eye co-ordination,
technical basics and tennis, from $12
Junior Class (8 to 15 years)
One hour focus on technical skills,
co-ordination and tennis games
Interclub Class (10 to 18 years)
1.5 hour class for more advanced players
including skills, tactics, games
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