St Albans Community Preschool will encourage and empower children to be independent, compassionate, happy and confident, life-long learners.
Our Core Values
Respect and nurture self and each other’s needs and individual differences and recognise the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. (We acknowledge the unique place of Maori as Tangata Whenua and the partnership inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi and see to provide equitable learning opportunities for all)
Individual Wellbeing
Provide an environment that encourages every individual to be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe and secure. (We acknowledge the importance of relationships and aim to help children build foundations to become learners, thinkers, doers and successful members of their communities)
Have Fun
Place an emphasis on having fun and learning through play using Te Whāriki as a source of inspiration. (Each Child’s exploration is guided, supported and challenged by qualified and experienced teachers who implement a curriculum that engages the children and families in our care, hands-on experience with open-ended materials, and relations at the forefront of our practice)
Sense of Family
Provide an inclusive environment that embraces a sense of family which is welcoming, positive and supportive.
Place an emphasis on continuous improvement by being innovative and dynamic. (Each Child’s exploration is guided, supported and challenged by qualified and experienced teachers who implement a curriculum that engages the children and families in our care, hands-on experience with open-ended materials, and relations at the forefront of our practice)
Working Together
Focus on teamwork which involves parents/caregivers and whānau|families. (We encourage parent|whānau participation in the decision-making concerning their child)
Have open and honest communication. (Documentation of the children’s work and experiences at Preschool inspire the sharing of information and ideas among teachers, family members, children and peers)
Valuing Our Staff
Invest in our staff through professional development and support. (Staff and Board provide a positive nurturing environment which supports the holistic way children learn and grow)
Our Community
Provide many and varied experiences utilising the people and services within our local community.
Environment as a third teacher
Use and/or create an environment where learning opportunities are inspiring, varied, challenging and emergent (Children are encouraged to be)
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