Autism-ABA-Psych Seminars
Seminars and Professional development workshops offered at the University of Waikato and for the New Zealand Ministry of Education-Special Education:
1.An Understanding of Asperger's syndrome
2.An Understanding of autism spectrum disorders
3.Evidence Based Strategies in the management of autism & Asperger's
4.An introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for Parents & Educators,
5.Cognitive fitness and Critical thinking,
6.Functional Behaviour Assessment.
7.Basics of Emotional intelligence: A community education seminar
8.Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: A way to improve relationships at work:
A PD Workshop
9. School-based strategies for motivating student learning and managing students challenging behaviours.
Brief description:
Asperger's Syndrome (AS) involves problems with social interaction and restricted, repeated patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. Milder than autism, it is often referred to as a hidden disability. Children with AS are often not diagnosed/identified until they are 10-12 years, but if identified earlier they can be more successfully taught to socialise better. Parents can be taught many simple strategies to help in compensating for these social difficulties.
There are many people in all walks of life in the community with undiagnosed Asperger's. Some people are being diagnosed in their 40s and 50s. These individuals might have spent most of their lives in a 'social shell' without realising why they were different.
Presenter: Dr. Antony Thomas, PhD, BCBA-D,
Psychologist (NZ) & Board Certified Behavior analyst-Doctoral (USA)
Saturday, October 29th 2011
Venue: University of Waikato Pathways College, Hamilton, New Zealand
Fee; NZ$ 65
Course code: CEAL496C
Further Info:
ABA has a high reputation amongst researchers and clinicians and is considered a "gold standard" in the treatment of autism. This does not mean that ABA is used only for teaching students with autism. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) based strategies can be used to improve socially significant behaviours of normal/typical children, children and adults with autism and children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities/challenges. Parents and teachers can empower themselves by implementing proactive ABA strategies for enhancing socially appropriate behaviours at home, school, community and also in residential settings.
Research indicates that there is considerable misinformation about ABA among educators and public. Some of them “naively” report that ABA always results in robotic/unnatural type of behaviours, and some of them even wonder if “rewarding children for enhancing their motivation” is in fact “bribing”. Participants will have an opportunity to review the "Pros and Cons" of ABA and also the current practice of ABA in NZ in comparison with the international scenario (USA, UK) to reflect if we are lagging behind in this field.
In this seminar, participants will be able to identify the importance of ABC (Antecedents, Behaviour, and Consequences) and will also develop an understanding of positive reinforcement and its role in enhancing positive behaviours.
Participants will be able describe how to apply strategies such as prompting, prompt-fading, shaping, modelling, planned ignoring, token economy, video modelling, Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT, Incidental teaching, Antecedent Based Interventions, Scripts & scripts fading, and managing self injurious/obsessive behaviours.
Presenter: Dr. Antony Thomas, PhD, BCBA-D,
Psychologist (NZ) & Board Certified Behaviour Analyst-Doctoral (USA)
Saturday, November, 5th, 2011
Venue: University of Waikato Pathways College, Hamilton, New Zealand
Fee; NZ$ 65
Course code: CEHS 153 C
Further Info:
The concept of conventional intelligence (IQ) is too narrow and often fails to
predict success in life. Psychologist and author, Daniel Goleman has redefined
'smartness' in his groundbreaking book titled 'Emotional Intelligence' and describes
EI as 'the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships'. This one day seminar will provide the basis for understanding EI.
Participants will be able to recognise that the ability to manage feelings and handle stress is an important ingredient for success in life. Participants will recognise that self and relationship management skills are equally or often more important than cognitive intelligence or IQ. Dr Antony Thomas will also give tips and strategies to improve and strengthen self awareness and self management.
Presenter: Dr. Antony Thomas, PhD, BCBA-D,
Psychologist (NZ) & Board Certified Behavior analyst-Doctoral (USA)
Saturday, November 12th, 2011
Venue: University of Waikato Pathways College, Hamilton, New Zealand
Fee; NZ$ 65
Course code: CEHS151C
Further Info:
Emotionally intelligent managers and leaders are capable of recognising the
importance of emotions and feelings in themselves and in their employees.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is not only important in one's community and family
relationships but also at work. Since people spend a significant amount of time
at work, a stressful work environment can inadvertently affect an individual's
physical, as well as mental, well being. Very intelligent bosses/managers with inept emotional and social competency can 'create a hell' in their workplace. Hence EI is a crucial skill needed for a leader/manager/boss. In this one day seminar participants will be able to identify the importance of EI in managing a team, to describe the role of EI in enhancing creativity/productivity at work.
Participants will develop an understanding of some of the recent EI research in
the area of management studies, career development and personal wellbeing, identify the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between rational and emotional aspects and become aware of some of stress management
tips/ strategies.
Who should attend: This Professional Development workshop is intended generally for people who are interested in enhancing their emotional intelligence, but
targeted specifically for managers, leaders and employers.
Presenter: Dr. Antony Thomas, PhD, BCBA-D,
Psychologist (NZ) & Board Certified Behavior analyst-Doctoral (USA)
Saturday, November 26th, 2011
Venue: University of Waikato Pathways College, Hamilton, New Zealand
Fee; NZ$ 185
Course code: CEHS152C
Further Info:
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Marie McConnell: +647 85088
There is a dramatic increase in the number of children identified with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) worldwide. Many parents are desperate to find a 'cure' and/or remedial intervention to help their children. A number of popular treatments are offered to the public without scientific backing or empirical research support. Moreover, these pseudo-scientific treatments tend to be associated with exaggerated claims of effectiveness that are well outside the range of established procedures.
One of the ways to avoid wasting valuable time, money and resources is to select evidence-based treatments and strategies validated by international research. This intermediate level course is intended to help teachers, educators, parents and other professionals to identify and learn about some of the 'evidence based'strategies in the management of autism and Asperger's syndrome.
Presenter: Dr Antony Thomas is Registered Psychologist (NZ)
and a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst-Doctoral (USA).
Venue: Room AG.11, Tauranga Campus, 144 Durham Street, Tauranga
Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) is a problem-solving process to understand the causes of challenging behaviours in the classroom. The FBA team tries to
determine ‘why’ the student is engaging in problem behaviours. Based on FBA,
a Behaviour Intervention Plan can be developed to address inappropriate
behaviours and to facilitate appropriate replacement behaviours.
Venue: Special Education
Ken Browne Drive, Hamilton
Time: 9.30 am – 3.00 pm
Target Group : Principals, teachers, teacher aides, RTLBs, LSTs, SENCOs, Parents.
Participants will come away from this course able to –
Give a basic overview of function-based assessments and ABC
(Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence) contingency
Identify the benefit of teaching replacement/alternative behaviours
Develop an understanding of behaviour intervention planning based on the
functions. Identify some positive classroom intervention strategies which can
reduce problem behaviours. Increase their knowledge regarding problem
behaviours of children with special needs.
Presenter: Thomas Antony, Registered Psychologist
Two of the main challenges for schools are enhancing student motivation for learning new skills and reducing the occurrence of annoying and/or distracting behaviours in the classroom.
This course will highlight the process of applying evidence-based classroom strategies to create positive learning environments for students. It will also focus on a problem-solving approach to understanding the causes of challenging behaviours in the classroom. Teachers can empower themselves by implementing many of these proactive strategies and reduce the need for punishment-based reactive discipline.
Date: Thursday 10 May 2012
Venue: Ministry of Education
Home Straight, Te Rapa (opposite Bunnings)
Time: 9.30 am – 3.00 pm
Target Group: Deputy Principals, Special Education Needs Coordinators, Teachers, Teachers’ Aides, Learning Support Teachers,
Course participants will be able to:
Increase knowledge of ‘best practice’ examples of classroom intervention strategies
Develop an understanding of positive reinforcement and its role in enhancing student motivation and for shaping positive class room behaviours
Develop an understanding of behaviour intervention planning based on the functions of problem behaviours
Identify the benefit of teaching replacement/alternate behaviours
Identify some positive classroom intervention strategies which can reduce problem behaviours
Increase their knowledge regarding problem behaviours of children with special needs
Presenter: Thomas Antony, Psychologist
Contact EMAIL: [email protected]
Antony Thomas* ( Also Known As) - Thomas Antony**
* Registered Name at New Zaland Psychologists Board: Antony THOMAS
** Name entry at the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board (USA): Thomas ANTONY
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