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About A SPORTS GOODS COMPANY CRICKET-BOXING-MMA-NETBALL Story Our mission is to provide you the best of Quality beating prices all over. Boomerz Pty Ltd has started with a vision to create a boom in Sports equipment industry in Australia. Our delivery networks are most reliable and fast paced to meet customer demands in the best possible time. Within our stipulated boundaries, we exceed quality and compete low prices to all others in the industry. Our charge back policy ensures our commitment to excel in Quality and reliability. We are constantly on the move, researching the competitive and ever increasing demand of Quality with an affordable price tag in Sports equipment sector. Being always Go Live with customers through our Facebook and Twitter accounts online, you can reach us anytime. All you have to do is like our page on social media site or create your account on our website to keep updated on Sales, Value Week and other promotion programs throughout the year. Our helpline is ready to serve 9 to 5 all working days in Australia. This web store is user friendly with handy navigation and complete product information to provide you all the relevant details of our large product catalogue. If you still have more queries about our products, you can check it up through email or call us anytime during work hours. The Boom has just started for you!!! Beating quality and price
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