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About The Workshops Rail Museum is located in North Ipswich and is part of the Queensland Museum Network. Story Part of the Queensland Museum Network www.theworkshops.qm.qld.gov.au ENews | http://bit.ly/TWRM-ENews Twitter | http://twitter.com/RailMuseum_Qld Instagram | http://instagram.com/theworkshopsrailmuseum Pinterest | http://pinterest/railmuseumqld General Information The Workshops Rail Museum, part of the Queensland Museum Network, administers this page as a forum to exchange stories, information, ideas and images that enhance the richness and variety of the collections and research outcomes of the Museum. Comments and other content posted by you on this fan page may be removed by the administrator if it: • impersonates any other person or falsely claim to represent any other person, whether living or dead, real or fictitious • is abusive, harassing, threatening or violates the legal rights of others • is misleading, deceptive, false, defamatory or libellous • is a statement that may interfere with or prejudice the course of or otherwise deals with civil or criminal proceedings that are presently before any court, tribunal, commission or similar body or any investigation by the police, Crime and Misconduct Commission or other agency • seeks to raise personal matters which have been dealt with or concluded judicially • uses insulting, threatening or provocative language or language that is hateful towards a certain group of people • incites hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic • includes indecent, obscene, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate language, information or other content • infringes the intellectual property rights of others or discloses their confidential information • contains any commercial advertising material • is not relevant to the themes currently being discussed and sought to be addressed in connection with the Queensland Museum or • invades the personal privacy of any other person or groups without their consent Users found to be repeatedly engaging in the above activities will be banned from this page. Many thanks Impressum Queensland Museum Network administers this page as a forum to exchange stories, information, ideas and images that enhance the richness and variety of the collections and research outcomes of the Queensland Museum Network. Comments and other content posted by you on this fan page may be removed by the administrator if it: • impersonates any other person or falsely claim to represent any other person, whether living or dead, real or fictitious • is abusive, harassing, threatening or violates the legal rights of others • is misleading, deceptive, false, defamatory or libellous • is a statement that may interfere with or prejudice the course of or otherwise deals with civil or criminal proceedings that are presently before any court, tribunal, commission or similar body or any investigation by the police, Crime and Misconduct Commission or other agency • seeks to raise personal matters which have been dealt with or concluded judicially • uses insulting, threatening or provocative language or language that is hateful towards a certain group of people • incites hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic • includes indecent, obscene, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate language, information or other content • infringes the intellectual property rights of others or discloses their confidential information • contains any commercial advertising material • is not relevant to the themes currently being discussed and sought to be addressed in connection with the Queensland Museum Network or • invades the personal privacy of any other person or groups without their consent Users found to be repeatedly engaging in the above activities will be banned from this page. This page is monitored on week days only. Queensland Museum Network welcomes feedback from visitors: Phone: 07 3432 5100 Email: info@theworkshops.qld.gov.au or Web: www.theworkshops.qm.qld.gov.au
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