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About Quilters Quarters sells fabrics, books, patterns and notions to the quilting community. Story Quilters Quarters started operating in 2005 as a mobile quilt shop, initially selling pre-cut fat quarters and travelling to metropolitan quilt groups. Today, quilters have the option of buying from the mobile shop, from the home based shop (by appointment only) or through Facebook. The MOBILE SHOP has grown from a car boot of fabric to a fully loaded people mover. When the shop visits a quilt group, quilters can purchase pre-cut fabric (Metre lengths, Half metres, Fat 1/4's, Fat 1/8's and pre-cuts), Books, Patterns and notions. The mobile shop travels to rural and metropolitan quilt groups, to exhibitions and to workshops. If you would like to book the shop to attend your quilt group or event, call Lyn on 0427618739 or send a message to quiltersquarters@hotmail.com. At the HOME-BASED SHOP quilters can purchase fabric from the bolt or pre-cut into Half metre pieces, Fat 1/4's and Fat 1/8's. Fabric bundles, panels, kits and commercial precuts are also available. Wadding, stabilisers and wide-backs can be purchased at the home-based shop and a good selection of quilting and sewing notions and quilt hangers are always available. Individual shoppers, small groups and bus groups are all welcome at the home based shop BY APPOINTMENT. If you would like to visit the home based shop as a group, bookings in advance are necessary for catering purposes. If you are an individual shopper (or 2) spontaneous visits can be accommodated if the home-based shop is attended. The home-based shop is not attended when the mobile shop is booked. To visit the home-based shop call Lyn on 0427618739 or send a message to quiltersquarters@hotmail.com. FACEBOOK SALES are now available. Commencing in January 2017, Quilters Quarters set up a Facebook page. The shop page is still under construction so please do not be alarmed at the lack of product. Products will be added continuously until all available products are listed on the Facebook shop and will be added regularly as new stock arrives. To visit the Quilters Quarters Facebook shop, click on the "Shop" tab on the left hand side of the home page. If you are having difficulties navigating the page please call Lyn on 0427618739 or email quiltersquarters@hotmail.com. If a PRODUCT the quilter requires is NOT AVAILABLE in the Quilters Quarters shop we will do our best to source it in for you. IT IS OUR AIM TO PROVIDE ALL QUILTERS WITH GOOD QUALITY SERVICE THAT COMES WITH A SMILE
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