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About Lyceum is a nationally recognised language school that teaches English and LOTE in different centres around Melbourne Story LOTE at Lyceum: At Lyceum, we have four 10-week terms per year and we have new beginner courses starting every term. We offer as many classes as we can at each of our different levels and at each of our centres in the CBD and North Fitzroy. Our classes are small groups, with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 10 students - an ideal size to stimulate conversation and interactive learning but which also allows for a high amount of attention to be given to each student. Our experienced teachers are native speakers and use the communicative method, meaning there is a focus on speaking in the classes as a way to learn and practise new material, to equip our students for practical and realistic use of the language. Grammar, reading and writing are also of course all integral components of our courses and learning a language. There is a separate textbook fee which varies according to language. Please find the full details under 'Fees and textbooks' on our website. Please refer to our website (www.lyceum.com.au) for more information about our school and classes, and feel free to call our administration team on 9600 1194 for information about enrolment. English at Lyceum: Our school offers full-time (20 hours per week) General English, IELTS Preparation and EAP courses, which run from 8.45am- 1pm, Monday to Friday. We offer small group tuition with an average of 7 and maximum of 12 students per class. In addition, we organise free activities and outings, such as visits to galleries, going to festivals, bar nights etc. Students can also book to share a weekend at Lyceum’s beach house. Our General English courses focus on communication activities in functional and situational contexts. It encourages students to speak with fluency and accuracy as well as develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students are welcome to commence their course any Monday. Our architect-designed Queen Street premises feature bright, modern classrooms, audiovisual equipment for language learning, internet workstations with free broadband internet access, kitchen facilities as well as a common room and a roof top garden for students. Accommodation is also something that we can help you arrange. From homestays to hostels, we can advise you of the best arrangement for you. If you wish to enrol, please go to our website www.lyceumenglish.com. Thank you. Products - General English - IELTS Preparation - English for Academic Purposes - French Courses - Italian Courses - Spanish Courses - Japanese Courses - German Courses - Mandarin Courses
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