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About Baxter is a college of an enviable reputation located in the centre of Melbourne – one of the world’s most livable cities. http://www.baxter.vic.edu.au/ Story Baxter Institute is a registered training organisation, located in the heart of Melbourne – only a short walk from Melbourne Central Station. Baxter Institute is proud of its reputation as a leader in vocational training, with modern facilities, equipment, and professional staff who demonstrate a level of expertise appropriate to their fields. Baxter Institute’s training departments include: Dental Technology, Automotive, Bakery, Fabrication, Business, English, Information Technology, Accounting, Beauty, and Hairdressing. All training at Baxter Institute is focused on preparing students for work. This is achieved by combining the extensive training experience that Baxter brings to its training departments with an impressive array of commercial industry environments, enabling students to gain valuable industry experience. These facilities include a commercial hair and beauty salon, bakery, cafe, automotive workshop, industry placements and work experience agreements.* Extra-curricular events within Baxter as well as competitions against other schools and commercial businesses(such as World Skills) give Baxter students exposure to competitive environments so that they can become more confident and ultimately more ready for work. Baxter Institute’s students include domestic Australian’s as well as a diverse mix of International students from many regions and cultures including Asia, Latin America, Europe and the subcontinent. Baxter Institute’s training methods are enhanced by its promotion of cultural diversity, mutual understanding, and international friendship within the student population. Baxter Institute’s certificate and diploma courses are government accredited and are on the CRICOS register, allowing international and domestic students to study with peace of mind. There are a variety of short courses to take advantage of including courses for the hair, beauty, bakery and automotive industries. Other short courses for specific purposes include, First Aid, IELTS preparation and welding. Students enrolled in short courses can enjoy great flexibility with the opportunity either to follow a set study program or tailor a course to suit their own special needs. Our training methods are suited to students who have been dissatisfied with the traditional approaches to education and are looking for a more dynamic style of learning. We encourage students who have been out of learning environments for some time and are looking for an opportunity to achieve financial independence through learning an applied trade. We also recognise prior learning and can tailor a course to suit your abilities. To ensure the highest standards in teaching we operate according to a strict code of practice with a comprehensive complaint & appeals policy, refund policy and adherence to government guidelines. The excellence and professionalism of Baxter Institute’s training, in conjunction with flexible payment plans, flexible start dates and flexible timetables, will ensure that there is a course suitable for many students with special needs. This will also make it easier to study for students who choose to have a part time job. All of these factors are intended to produce the best educational outcomes for our students. Baxter Institute’s curriculum is focused primarily on practical application. The goal of all training is to support students to join the workforce as soon as possible. At Baxter Institute we provide you with the greatest opportunities for a successful career. Mission The mission of Baxter Institute is to provide a sustainable, dynamic, rigorous and caring learning environment in which our students can develop their skills, engage with their communities, embrace innovation and fulfill their hopes and dreams in the organizations they work for, the enterprises they found and the societies in which they live. Impressum Sheila Baxter Training Centre Pty Ltd Trading as Baxter Institute - CRICOS Provider Code: 02233M; National Provider Number 7030 "Baxter Institute is a registered training organisation, located in the heart of Melbourne. Baxter Institute is proud of its reputation as a leader in vocational training, with modern facilities, equipment, and professional staff who demonstrate a level of expertise appropriate to their fields. Baxter Institute's training departments include: Engineering, Automotive, Construction, Accounting, Business, English and Information Technology. All training at Baxter Institute is focused on preparing students for work. This is achieved by combining the extensive training experience that Baxter brings to its training departments with an impressive array of commercial industry"
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