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About Services the needs of landlords and tenants in the Newcastle region with offices in Belmont, East Maitland and Hamilton. Story Why Leah Jay? When you think about who should look after your nest egg or investment property, there’s quite a few things to consider; more than most people realise in fact. Getting it wrong can be very costly and we’re not just talking about loss of rent or property damage because of poor tenant selection; or inspections not being carried out. Actually it’s often factors that are far less obvious that are the cause. Unnecessary delays in getting a tenant can cost hundreds of dollars upfront; not having market expertise can see properties under rented, potentially costing the owner many hundreds of dollars a year. Setting rents too high can delay tenanting a property and even deter better tenants. Not conducting regular rent reviews, inspections and arrears management can lead to substantial losses by owners; and not communicating with you about what’s required to maintain your asset and other matters can also cost you greatly. Owners might assume that everything that should be done, is being done and in the best possible way. The reality is that’s often not the case. We have no hesitation in saying there are stark differences in the quality of property management services provided but even subtle differences can add up to lesser returns for owners. We focus 100% on property management Property management is all we do and we’ve been doing it since 1994. We have no competing or ulterior objectives, such as wanting to ultimately sell your property, sell you finance or keep maintenance staff employed for profit. All our effort is applied to doing every facet of management well, so that the overall result for you is the best it can be. Our own business survival depends on it and that’s a strong motivating factor to do it better than anyone else. Experience From the collective experience as a specialist property management business since 1994 to the vast individual experience of our people, the depth and breadth of property management experience at Leah Jay is unrivalled in the region. Our property managers average over 10 years in the industry. When your property manager is on leave, another with experience will take responsibility and at all times extra support is available from a Senior Property Manager. Reputation and track record We are proud of the reputation and recognition we’ve gained through our efforts to provide owners peace of mind about their property. The highest industry awards have come our way, being seven time winners of the REI NSW ‘Award for Excellence’ and finalists on nineteen other occasions. Given the importance of your asset, it makes sense to place it into the hands of someone you can trust. Access to tenants While there are numerous tasks associated with looking after your property, there is none more critical than securing the best tenant. Our reputation attracts quality tenants and we are the preferred agent for many; our website receives over ten thousand visits a month, overwhelmingly from prospective tenants. We have excellent long term relations with relocation consultants and major employers in the region. And of course we utilise the most successful of the property search websites.
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