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About At TheFirstStepProgram we offer compassionate, non judgemental solutions for anyone seeking help with drug or alcohol addiction or mental health illness. Story The First Step Program is a not-for-profit program with a proud history of providing specialised care to people with a dependence on drugs or alcohol. It has always been a priority of the First Step Program to provide an atmosphere of genuine compassion, an environment where people are comfortable and feel understood. The First Step Program is a not-for-profit organisation that relies heavily on donations. Please donate and help create our vision of a community free from addiction and substance abuse related issues and the problems it creates in people’s lives. All donations big or small are appreciated! Please donate at: http://www.givenow.com.au/firststepprogram The First Step Program is increasingly focused on a team approach to whole-patient care, which often includes ongoing support for family members and carers. At the First Step Program clients have access to doctors, nurses, psychologists, mental health care nurses, counsellors and hepatitis C clinicians. There are many stages to overcoming dependence, and the First Step Program can help clients through every one of them. Affordability and accessibility are central to the First Step Program’s mission. Treatment costs can be a key disincentive to people seeking help for drug and alcohol dependence which is why all the First Step Program consultations are bulk-billed. Making people well is our mission and barriers to treatment such as fees for services can be minimised or, in most cases, avoided entirely. THE SECOND STEP EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The First Step Program and Toll Group have formed a partnership known as the Second Step Program. This service provides employment opportunities to people who have overcome a drug or alcohol dependence. Training can be provided through the Second Step Program who assist with the transition from a drug or alcohol affected lifestyle to a more fulfilling existence with suitable employment. THE FIRST STEP LEGAL SERVICE The First Step Legal Service provides well-resourced, fully integrated pro bono legal representation to approved clients. Many of the clients of the First Step Program face criminal proceedings in the various courts throughout Victoria. The stress of legal proceedings can often result in periods of relapse and reoffending. The aim of the First Step Legal Service is to support the clients throughout this stressful period and to ensure that all of the matters in mitigation are presented to the court. This ensures that any sentence imposed furthers the process of rehabilitation and increases the prospect of the client reengaging in society as a functional member. In turn, this ultimately benefits society. Mission The First Step Program will provide safe and effective pathways for people with drug related issues to assist them in engaging as fulfilled members of the community. Impressum The Step Program Pty Ltd Location: 42 Carlisle Street St.Kilda VIC 3182 ph: 03 9537 3177 em: info@firststep.org.au fb: @TheFirstStepProgram www.firststep.org.au Chairman of the Board: Bernard McInerney Board Members: Melissa Hardham Richard Kasperczyk Ian Kronberg Mark Watt Patrick Lawrence (CEO) ABN: 51 093 661 995
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