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About We are Financial Strategist helping to - Protect Your Finance and Control Your Future The information provided on this webpage is intended to provide general information only. Story We are financial strategists helping to plan, articulate, implement and manage a path forward , so that our clients achieve short and long term financial protection, certainty and peace of mind. Our philosophy is simple: Everyone's story is difference and unique to them, and we believe financial planning should be tailored to the individual, rather than the individual to the plan. We help you build and protect what you've worked your entire life for. Protect Your Finance. Control Your Future. Comment Policy: All conversations and posts should be constructive, respectful, and contain language that is appropriate for all groups and ages. We therefore reserve the right to disallow comments that are: • obscene, indecent, profane, or vulgar • contain threats or personal attacks of any kind • contain offensive terms directed to ethnic or racial groups • are defamatory, libellous or contain ad hominem attacks • promote or endorse a product or service • are excessively repetitive or constitute SPAM. Comments that do not adhere to the above guidelines will, without exception, be removed. In cases of repeat offences, we will take action to block offenders from the page. Please note: Our moderators do their best to ensure this policy is adhered to fairly and consistently. If you would like to report abuse, spam, fake profiles, etc. please refer to Facebook’s guidance on this. Also know that you can always report any individual comment as “abuse” or “spam” by scrolling over the comment and clicking on the “x” in the upper right corner. Equitem is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 243569) ABN 458 0932 6804 of ClearView Financial Advice Pty Limited ABN 89 133 593 012 AFS Licence No. 331367
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