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Edit Business | Westfield Fountain Gate
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About Westfield Fountain Gate is your destination for all things Fashion, Food, Lifestyle & Entertainment! Visit us online http://westfield.com.au/fountaingate Story Westfield Fountain Gate is your destination for all things Fashion, Food, Lifestyle & Entertainment! Visit us online http://westfield.com.au/fountaingate Mission Our community guidelines aim to ensure that our Facebook page is inclusive and inviting for everyone. We want to encourage positive communication and sharing, if you have a great shopping tip, video or question, please post it on our page. Comment moderation policy: Please be mindful of others. Comments will be removed if considered offensive, threatening or unlawful. You may not submit content that: is threatening, abusive, defamatory, indecent, menacing, harassing, offensive, infringes any person’s intellectual property rights, harasses anyone or is unlawful in any way. Community standards: It is Westfield’s policy that any comment or wall post that features swearing, bullying, personal attacks (on authors, moderators, other users or any individual), contains a political agenda, are offensive, defamatory, disrespectful of or misleading to other fans will not be tolerated and will be removed as soon as possible. We will also remove any content that may put us (or you) in legal jeopardy. This includes potentially defamatory comments, material or links posted in potential breach of copyright and includes offensive profile pictures that contain profanities or indecent imagery. Westfield also notes that Facebook has its own policy in relation to use of pages and posting on the site, and expects users of this site abide by Facebook’s policies for use of Facebook generally. Westfield does not endorse any threads or posts placed on this site and will remove any posts which do not comply with these policies. If you ever have any concerns that there are posts not in the keeping of this page, please go to http go to http://www.westfield.com.au/au/help/contact-us. We will treat every contact with seriousness and confidentiality.
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