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About PLEASE NOTE: If you need immediate assistance contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. Story Are you between the ages of 12-25 and would you like to talk with someone about: • feeling depressed or anxious? • feeling like you are not coping? • finding solutions to issues that are concerning you? • not sleeping well or sleeping too much? • finding it hard to concentrate or make decisions? • changes in your appetite or energy levels? • feeling alone or no-one understands you? • concerns with your drinking or drug use? • concerns about relationships? • feeling that you don't understand what is happening to you? • being bullied, hurt or sexually harassed? • having difficulty finding a job or where you are living? • concerns about family members' mental health? Our Centre provides early intervention services to young people 12 to 25 years. Our range of services includes mental, physical and sexual health, drug and alcohol information and support as well as vocational and educational assistance along with care coordination by our youth access team. It is a place where a range of services can be provided to young people in one youth friendly location. We are supporters of LGBTIQ and you are more then welcome to discuss this with us in a discreet and confidential matter. For more information, please visit www.headspace.org.au or drop in to our centre between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Mission To be the voice in youth mental health in the areas of service delivery, research and development, service form, community engagement and advocacy.
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