The Great Lego Burial Grounds
Where all good Lego goes and is never seen again!
Viewing by Appointment only.
Bring Wine - Pinot Gris!
I am a life-long pentagenerian Lego fan.
It all started way-way back in the very late '60s, and progressed through until about 1978 - just before regular minifigs came out.
Like most afols, I had my dark ages with my childhood Lego gathering dust in the attic. But I kept it all.
Then I came out.
Now I have some Lego. Ok, lots of some Lego. Lots and lots of some Lego.
I like to moc. I mega-moc. I mocular.
One thing I like to achieve is that my creations are very original.
I like to search Google and make sure they are unique.
Past creations include a full Marae; Dr Who TARDIS that is undeniably bigger on the inside; Dr Who Monopoly Board.
This is my fb page to post pics and creations. Also my ramblings about what I see out in the big-wide Lego-hunting world.
Some people wonder why I don't post too many photos of works in progress. I will in time; but where they are intended for a competition or public Lego show, I prefer to keep details under wrap until the event.
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