This is the OFFICIAL page of the kura. We hope to use this to share our news and events.
Te Kura Taumata o Panguru has been in existence since the year 1964, in which was the smallest high school in New Zealand at the time. Now in the 21st century we are no longer the smallest school in New Zealand, and we have improved severely.
Situated on the last major flood plain that completely moved the last standing school in Panguru, students are still climbing the steps to achieve excellence in education, in sports and in life, being in a rural area does not restrict boundaries to our students but makes them try harder to achieve more.
Ko te taumata, ko te taumata,
kei ngaro i te tirohanga.
Ko te taumata, ko te taumata,
kia toa tatou, kia manawanui.
Panguru maunga, he maunga tapu koe,
iringa korero o nga maatua tupuna.
Kitea ana koe i tawhiti noa e,
herea rawatia, potaea e te kohu.
Tu tonu mai ra, e nga whare tupuna,
i runga i nga marae i waiho iho e,
E noho, me noho te taumata o te whare, .
Kia puritia ai te tapu me te mana.
Ma wai e taurima nga marae e hora nei?
Te tika, te pono, kia mau te aroha.
Ma tatou, taitama, ma tatou, e hine ma
E hapai, tautoko nga taumata korero.
May we never lose sight of the heights,
Summits and peaks of life.
With perseverance may we achieve our visions,
Ambitions and dreams.
Panguru mountain, you are indeed sacred,
The words of wisdom of past generations are enshrined on you.
From afar you can be seen, though – at times you shroud yourself with mist.
May you, our ancestral houses, stand firmly on the marae,
which have been left to our generation.
May the orators and leaders occupy your
taumata of oratory and leadership, and so
maintain the tapu and mana of our people.
Who will be the sentries, the pillars of our marae?
Justice, integrity and love must be the foundations.
Let us, young people, strive for knowledge that will,
In time, become wisdom with age and experience.
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