Tēnā koutou, he whārangi pukamata tēnei hei tohatoha ai ngā kōrero o Pūrekireki ki a tātou te whānau o Pūrekireki. This Facebook page has been set up to share information about Pūrekireki Marae to the Pūrekireki Marae whānau.
Pūrekireki Marae Trustees:
Chairperson: Haupai Puke
Vice-Chairperson: Tom Roa
James Nelson
Sally Uerata
Geoffrey Turner
Tuhiwai Kingi
Rangimaria Ranga
Rua Taniwha
Graeme Stockman
There are 9 Trustees. Trustees meet 3 monthly on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Meetings are open to all Purekireki Marae whanau, and speaking rights may be given.
Purekireki Marae Committee:
Chairperson: Georgina Paikea (Tautari whānau)
Secretary: Rua Taniwha
Treasurer: Raywin Balderston (Roa whānau)
Marae Committee meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 10.30 am. All Purekireki Marae whanau are considered members of the marae committee.
Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Waipa te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Purekireki te marae
Ko Waikato Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Ngāti Apakura, ko Ngāti Hikairo, Ko Ngāti Mahuta ngā hapū
Ko Marutehiakina te tupuna whare
Ko Matire te tupuna wharekai.
to add Pūrekireki Marae map to your website;