Ngati Makino Iwi Authority
Primarily established to receive, manage and administer the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority Assets on behalf of and for the benefit of present and future Ngati Makino beneficiaries.
“E hara taku toa, I te toa taku tahi, Katahi ko taku toa he toa taki tini a Makino
Toitu te mana, Toitu te whenua, toitu te tangata, toi tu te Makinotanga”
Ngati Makino determining our own future as a strong and vibrant kaitiaki of our culture, our whanau, hapū, iwi, our land and our seas.
Our Mission
“Kia aho matuahia te taketake – Kia tuwaerea te tau a Makino”
The Ngati Makino Iwi Authority is committed to empowering every member of Ngati Makino to achieve their potential and their aspirations through cultural, social, environmental and economic development.
Our Values
Kia Mākino – Upholding our kawa and tikanga in all dealings amongst ourselves and others
Manaakitanga ki te Taiao – To enhance the mana of our environment
Kotahitanga – To maintain and promote unity of purpose
Whanaungatanga – To maintain and build relationships and connections that enhance the wellbeing of Ngati Makino
Wairuatanga – Connectedness to/of physical and spiritual elements
Tino Rangatiratanga – To promote self-determining and self-empowering behaviour
Mana whenua/ Mana Moana/ Mana Tangata – Develop arrangements that foster a sense of ukaipo, of importance, belonging and contribution
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