Open to the public by appointment, phone 0212677759
Producing beefalo is a new venture for us on our Isla Bank property in Southland. We have invested over 5 years of research & hard work developing a new direction for our farm & for good reason. We're growing a truly great product.
Beefalo are a hybrid species that are a mix of cattle & bison which produce a leaner meatier offspring.
Beefalo meat has less total fat, less cholesterol & fewer calories while remaining moist, tender & delicious.
Beefalo meat requires half to a third less heat to cook than conventional beef & cooks 30% faster.
Netherton Farm beefalo are 100% grass fed on our Isla Bank property in Southland & have no antibiotics or hormones used on them.
All Netherton Farm beefalo have been DNA tested & are guaranteed beefalo.
Our animals are slaughtered at Prime Range Meats then sent to both Isla Bank Butchery & Riversdale Meats for custom processing.
Beefalo are the hybrid offspring of any breed of domestic cattle & bison, commonly known as buffalo in the US. The breed was created in the 1970's to combine the superior characteristics of both animals.
Bison produce a very lean meat, almost devoid of intramuscular fat. Their 'all hump no rump' physical structure contains a very high percentage of its mass in the front quarters, leaving you with a small amount of steak & a lot of extremely lean mince.
The beefalo inherits its physical structure from cattle & its lean-ness from bison.
Beefalo is the ideal choice for health conscious consumers. The cross breeding of bison & cattle forms a leaner meatier offspring that is higher in protein but significantly lower in calories, cholesterol & fat. Beefalo is nutritionally better for you than beef, chicken, pork, turkey & even some fish.
Beefalo is the only meat that has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol, a leading cause of heart disease. A study conducted by the Central Washington University & published in American Medical Association Journal tested a group of men with moderately high cholesterol. After 30 days of substituting their regular beef intake with beefalo meat, testing showed an average 15 point reduction in cholesterol levels.
Anything you can do with beef you can do with beefalo. Beefalo meat requires half to one third less heat to cook than conventional beef & cooks 30% faster due to their low intramuscular fat. Quicker cooking prevents the natural juices evaporating, resulting in one third less shrinkage & the added moisture accentuates the tenderness. This is noticeably evident when browning ground beefalo. Unlike regular minced beef there is almost no pooling of liquids to cook off in the bottom of the pan as the juices stay in the meat.
Beefalo is a taste sensation. People who like beef will love beefalo meat. It definitely has a beefy flavour but is slightly sweeter & richer. Beefalo has a finer, softer texture & shows excellent caramelization characteristics.
Beef producers from across the US are invited to submit rib eye steaks to compete for the best steak in America at the American Royal Steaks & Grapes Competition. Each steak is prepared in an identical manner & identified only by number to ensure unbiased judging. Points are assigned for flavour, juiciness & texture. Beefalo was named Grass Fed Grand Champion 2013 for the second year in a row & is consistently in a top two place.
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