MT Electrical offers a quality service to the electrical industry and energy traders with their Electrical Inspectors and Registered Electricians
Mark Telfer Electrical Limited is committed to offering quality customer service
to the electrical industry and energy traders by providing:
All types of electrical inspections - this includes electrical inspection and connection of new housing and for all commercial and industrial situations
All types of electrical re-inspections - including electrical inspection work as required by the Electrical Wiring Regulations: 6-monthly re-inspections (COV - Certificate of Verification), re-inspections for home, commercial and industrial premises; re-inspections for prospective home buyers, and all building
re-certification and inspection
Solar photovoltaic system inspections
On-site testing and certification
Revenue metering for energy traders
All specialised metering requirements for customers requiring special revenue tariffs
On-demand inspection services, 24 hours a day
On-site consultation and advice to the electrical industry
All boat, caravan and trailer WOEF
(Warrant of Electrical Fitness)
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