Sleep Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist CBT & NLP DISC -Personal Behavioural & Communication Analysis, Executive Coach, PLP Trainer
Amanda-Jane is a fully trained, registered and accredited Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, CBT and NLP Practitioner, Personal Coach, DISC- Personal Behavioural & Communication Profile Analysis, PLP - Personal Communications and Leadership Trainer, with more than 25 years of experience spanning a number of disciplines. For over the last 20 years Amanda-Jane has successfully ran her own consulting clinics, working extensively in both the private as well as the public health centre. Clients range from those undergoing rehabilitation treatment, professional artist, The Armed Forces and emergency service personnel, corporate executives, CEO’s, Education Authorities, as well as indivduals from all walks of life. Amanda has developed unique and successful programmes/strategies that help clients overcome personal challenges or conditions. In addition she has developed programs specifically aimed towards reducing stress and anxiety within the workplace to help reduce absenteeism. Amanda-Jane is widely recognised and has built her reputation as an established specialist in the field of sleeping difficulties, stress and anxiety and all related conditions.
Cognitive Therapy, Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy,
Specialising in Sleeping difficulties,
Reducing Stress & Anxiety,
Removing fears, phobias, negative thoughts and harmful habits,
Increasing Confidence and Self Esteem
Small Business Coaching
Work/Life Balance Coach
DISC- Personal Behavioural & Communication Profile Analysis
Children/Parent Programs
PLP - Personal Leadership Program
Amanda has also developed;
Employee Welfare Programs
Student Welfare Programs
Increasing Confidence and Communication Workshops for Teenagers
Reducing Stress & Anxiety and Increasing Confidence for Adults
PLP Personal Leadership Program
If you would like further information of how our treatment programs work please feel free to contact us or visit our website at
Tel: 09 420 8837
Mobile: 027 733 2012
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