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Māui Tikitiki a Taranga: The Man Who Became A God


Māui Tikitiki a Taranga: The Man Who Defied The Gods. Is the practical application of my PhD 2014.


Māui Tikitikia Taranga: The Man Who Defied The Gods is all apart of putting the different versions of Māui out there. Each individual whānau, hapū and iwi have their own names, own unique stories to do with Māui, from the top of the north island down to the bottom of the south. One thing is for sure, he was a very memorable person. Not only here in Aotearoa, New Zealand but through the whole north and south pacific ocean.

This page is also about the embodiment of "Te Ara o Tamanuiterā" - The Pathway of the Sun. This is all about embodying the realm or world of the Tōhunga Ahurewa. To embark upon a spiritual quest if you like and as a result completing a substantial amount of work that is important for everyone. I will update everyone as this unfolds. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. - TNR 2014


To embody the authentic power of the Tōhunga Ahurewa. To celestially place the whare wānanga Tumurangiwhenua within Te Ao Wairua which enables it to have substance here in the physical.


Papa te whaititiri ki Hawaiki, hikohiko mai te uira ki Te Ika Whenua, He wana kanapū ki te Tangata. Maia ea te mana tapu o Io-matua kore. Mai Te Kore ki Te Ao Marama te wairua teitei o ngā mea katoa.

Ko Io Nui
Ko Io Roa
Ko Io Te Matua
Ko Io Te Pūkenga
Ko Io Te Wānanga
Ko Io Te Matua Te Kore
Te Kauhangahanga nui
Te Kauhangahanga roa
Te Kauhangahanga matua
Te Angaanga i titi iho ki te rangi

Kai raro i te mana tapu o Io-matua-kore, mai Te Kore ki Te Ao Marama. Ka whakapuakitia mātou, ko Te Kauhangaroa - Ngā Tōhunga Pouwhenua. Ko te mana tapu me te rangatiratanga tēnei o ngā Whare Wānanga, o ngā Whare Pūkenga, o ngā Whare Maire, o ngā Whare Makatea, o Ngā Whare Tāhū Kōrero katoa. Te Kaitiakitanga o Te Tōhungatanga me Te Whare Wānanga. Ko te whakapuakitanga me te whakaputanga tēnei ki raro i te mana me te tapu o Te Kauhangaroa - Ngā Tōhunga Pouwhenua. Koia ēnei ko ngā Tōhunga Teitei o Ngā Whare Wānanga Katoa o Te Ao Marama. Ngā ihi, ngā wehi, ngā mana me te kaitiakitanga o te Tōhungatanga.

Ki ngā Tōhunga Pouwhenua, ki ngā pūkenga, ki ngā wānanga e hāpai nei i ngā mana tapu me ngā kōrero tapu i takea mai i Te Moana Nui a Kiwa, Mai Hawaiki ki Te Ikaroa a Māui Tikitiki a Taranga. Tū Te Ihi, Tū Te Wehi, Tū Te Wana. Mai i Te Wairua Teitei o Io-matua-kore, ki a Tānemāhuta, ka tūtapa mai te kawa, ko te kawa tapu tēnei o ngā Tōhunga Pouwhenua me ngā Whare Wānanga Tapu. Ko taia te kawa, ko te tika me te pono. Ko oranga nuitanga, te oranga roatanga. Tutakina-i-te-mauri, Tutakina-i-te-hā-ora, Tutakina-i-te-wairua, Tutakina-i-te-mana, Tutakina-i-te-iwi. Ko mātou ngā kai whakapupuri i te mauri tapu o Te Kauhangahangatapu o Te Kauhangaroa, mō te whenua tapu e takoto nei o Aotearoa. Te whenua a Māui. Uhi wero tau mai te mauri, Hara mai te toki. Haumi e Hui e Tāiki e.


Te Hiringa-i-te-mahara (Indigenous Consciousness), Mātauranga Māori (Māori Knowledge), Tūpuna Mātauranga (Applied Ancestral Knowledge), Karakia (Prayers), Whakapapa (Genealogy), Tikanga (Customs), Te Reo Rangatira (Māori Language), Tōhunga Mātauranga (Tōhunga Knowledge), Tikanga Tōhunga (Insightful Knowledge on Tōhunga), Whakakitenga (Modern Insights on Tōhunga Ahurewa), Whakaaro (Self Contemplations, Sharing, Ideas), Wānanga (Deliberate, Analysis Tōhunga Information)

Address: 244 Withy Road, Manawahe, New Zealand 3194
Phone: +647 3222-177
State: Manawahe
Zip Code: 3194

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