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Edit Business | Imogen Johnston Equine Dentistry
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About Imogen Johnston QEqD is a qualified equine dentist who is committed to providing the highest quality of restorative and preventative dental care Story Imogen Johnston is a qualified Equine Dentist, providing professional dental care for all equidae. She studied at the New Zealand School of Equine Dentistry under the instruction of Warwick Burhns and Stefan Hadzi-Longinovic and she is committed to providing the best equine dental care. Equine Dental care is an important part of your equines oral and general health. Pathology (problems)seen in an equines mouth can have many etiology (causes) these can be from trauma, inherited or genetic problems, developmental issues, wear related issues or environmental issues. Pathology causes a horses mouth to be imbalanced which affects the proper or correct masticatory (chewing) cycle, which in turn puts unnecessary strain on many other body systems. This extra pressure can cause the break down of individual structures (temporomandibular joint(jaw joint), teeth and their root structures) or the break down of whole body systems (digestive). Horses spend around 18 hours a day grazing and chew approximately 30,000 times so it is extremely important that they can do that comfortably and efficiently. As dentists we ensure that pathology doesn't disrupt the horses ability to carry out mastication by ensuring the mouth is balanced. By eliminating any signs of disease and treating malfunction we aim to bring the mouth back into its original genetic intention in order to prevent disease progression Imogen is operating out of the Auckland area but is available by arrangement in all parts of New Zealand. Consultation and treatment is generally $90 but you will be advised of any extra expenses if necessary before treatment is carried out.
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