Runs Crank Up weekend every January. Has various club outings and activities
Office Bearers 2017-2018:
President: Ken Bell 0273303058
Vice President: Sharron Caughey 03 2066144
Secretary:David Shaw
Treasurer: Joan Olsson - 03 2087146
Newsletter Editor: Julie-Anne Clark - 03 2066547
Robert Leggett
Colin Donald
Neil Irwin
Ken Holland
Shayne Stanton
David Clark
James Kevern
Len Balneaves
Julie-Anne Clark
Lynley Pope
David Edgar
Bruce McDonough
Glen Clark
Crank Up Committee:
Convenor: Ken Bell - Ph. 0273303058
Secretary: Julie-Anne Clark - Ph. 03 2066547
Crafts and stalls: Sharron Caughey - Ph. 03 2066144
Display Shed:
Glen Clark
Gordon Caughey
Jack Stanton
Dion Pope
Blair Pope
Caretakers: Caughey Family
Roseanne Shaw
Ploughing Committee:
David Clark
Ivan Scobie
Colin Shaw
The Edendale Vintage Machinery Club was started in 1986 by a small group of like-minded people. We are family orientated club, having pot luck teas, outings and fun days as well as Crank Up weekend. We have a club meeting the 3rd Thursday of every month sometimes with speakers/videos etc.
New members are most welcome. Subscription is $35.00
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