Reviews, get directions and contact details for Clydedemningen
Clydedemningen er en demning med et vannkraftverk i elva Clutha på New Zealand. Installert total vannkrafteffekt er 445 MW. Det sto ferdig i 1992 og produserer 2,10 TWh årlig.
Clyde Dam is the largest concrete gravity dam in New Zealand's hydro power generation, consisting of one million cubic metres of concrete. It's height is 100 metres, width at base is 70 metres and at crest 10 metres and length of 490 metres. The dam was constructed between 1982 and 1993. Filling was done in four controlled stages beginning in April 1992, and completed the following year, creating Lake Dunstan. The power station has a capacity of four 120 MVA 116 MW francis turbines for a total of 464 MW, but was only allowed to run 432 MW due to resource consent conditions. The dam was built with two additional penstocks, allowing additional turbines to be installed in future which are not yet commissioned as at 2022.