Reviews, get directions and contact details for Central Injection Agri
CIA Ltd is your local agricultural contractor specialising in the area of effluent management.
Central Injection Agri is leading the way in the redistribution of your slurry on to your paddocks in an environmentally friendly way. Our team covers all of Canterbury including as far north as Rangiora and Oxford to Mid Canterbury as well as our home town of South Canterbury.
The CIA effluent services include:
Pond Stirring
Emptying of effluent ponds
Muck spreading – deal for cleaning out Herd stand-off pads & shelters
Slurry Injection
Pond Stirring
Agitation or pond stirring is necessary in tanks and ponds ensure that the manure can be sucked into a slurry tank easily. Agitating provides a more consistent by-product that can be dispersed among paddocks. When the slurry has been mixed to a satisfactory level, it becomes kinder on pumps and stirrers, meaning fewer blockages & breakages and improved longevity of your implements.
Solid muck spreaders, Vacuum slurry tankers
Central Injection Agri started business with slurry tankers and this method of dispersing of slurry is still effective especially for solid manure. Our large slurry tanks can be filled up with slurry, and then taken to a field where we can distribute it onto the soil. The fertilizer material itself is a mix of cow feces and urine effluent which is allowed to ferment until it becomes highly nutritious for plants.
Slurry Injection
Slurry injection is the most beneficial, cost effective and less damaging than traditional muck spreading. The manure does have to be grinded into small particles than can be combined with water to create a liquid, which can then be injected into paddocks.
The liquid slurry product is injected into the ground and can stimulate boosted production of crops. Slurry injection can allow more nitrogen to be introduced into the soil. Slurry injection has become a favoured process of application in recent years, due to its reduced ammonia emission (around 70% reduction), which can preserve Nitrogen, reduce odour complaints, elimination of soil compaction and overall provide a more cost-effective agricultural service solution.
Get in touch with Central Injection Agri for all your Effluent Management.
"The team at Central Injection Agri services Canterbury including Ashburton, Mid Canterbury, Rangiora and Oxford - North Canterbury and of course South Canterbury. Turn your waste product into fertilizer GOLD with the team at Central Injection Agri.Correctly managed, the slurry and manure output on your farm can be a cost-effective way of fertilizing your paddocks while also being environmentally friendly. Here at Central Injection Agri we have taken that ethos one step further by injecting this nutrient-rich by-product directly into your soil.Hands down – Slurry injection is recognised as the most beneficial option. If you are wanting a quick turnaround between harvesting and reusing your land – slurry injection is the way to go."
Address: 52 Halstead Road, Pleasant Point, 7903, Pleasant Point, Canterbury